Are you our missing neighbor?
If you have interests in any of these ideas/activities, then you’d love our cohousing neighborhood:
- the concept of Not So Big Houses
- want to reduce global warming
- hobbies of all kinds, like knitting, woodworking, swimming, sewing, hiking, belly dancing, archery, bicycling, wildlife, running
- greener living
- gardening
- community theater
- cooking/eating locally
- intentional community
- gaming
- “aging in place”
- multi-generational living
- historic re-enactment
- playing music, singing
- homeschooling
- foster grandparents
- meditation
- Slow Food
- mentoring a young person
- skill exchange
If you consider yourself any of these, you’d find like-minded folks at Camelot Cohousing:
- A Cultural Creative
- Community minded
- Environmentally aware
- Diversity oriented
- A geek